Video and heritage travel in Australia

Chapter 6 explains the intersection between two growing trends. The first discusses travelers who book their trips online while the other is the audience for travel video. Chapter 3 then breaks down topic niches’ for travel journalism stories including the heritage niche’. Lonely Planet posted a video that intersects the growing online travel video trend with the heritage niche’ topic. Their video titled “Melbourne’s artistic underbelly” features a part of Australia’s culture that is often over looked because of it’s lack of mainstream luster: its street art.

The video depicts a growing niche’ topic for travel journalists to explore. The street artists in Melbourne are now taking it upon themselves, much like the advice in the text, to lead groups of tourists as tour guides of Australia’s most overlooked artistic gems. The relatively short video encourages visitors to engage with and participate in these street art tours. The tour guides highlight the fact that they too are street artist and participated in the start of the street art culture. Tour guides will be able to point travelers to the hidden secrets of the culture.  Most cities have some sort of underground street culture. Can you highlight yours? Can you take it a step further as the Melbourne street artists and the text advises you to do and become a tour guide? Watch the video here.

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